- 三川の合流点
- 1762年2月、ミュンヘンから戻ったモーツァルト一家は、約半年をザルツブルクで過ごしたのち、9月18日、ウィーンに向けて出発しました。
- 大聖堂
- パッサウの大聖堂は格式が高く、ウィーンのシュテファン大聖堂の上席の地位にありました。
1770年代初めに、パッサウの大聖堂を訪れたチャール・バーニー(Charles Burney)は、次のように報告しています。
"Passau is a large imperial city. In the cathedral, which is a very
beautiful modern building, of the Corinthian order,there is a very magnificent
organ, to look at.The case is finely carved and gilt,and the pipes are
highly polished: it is divided into two columns of large pipes, one on
each side, and has a complete little organ in the middle, which joins them
together, and saves the west window: it is what builders call a thirty-two
foot organ. M. Snetzler, when it was last repaired, made some of the front
pipes, but there is little variety in the inside : he likewise made the
vox humana, and octave dulciana, in the little organ, which are the two
best solo stops that the instrument contains. On each side of the choir,
in this church, there is likewise a small organ, with the pipes so highly
burnished, that I cannot help supposing them to be of silver; indeed the
person who shewed me the great one, assured me that they were silver pipes;
but as he likewise would have persuaded me that the front of the great
organ was of that metal, in which I was certain he was mistaken, I cannot
depend on his word."
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